Functional Reading Life Skills Bundle

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $19.99.

The Functional Reading Life Skills Bundle includes realistic reading activities followed by comprehension questions and answers. This resource features over 390 pages of activities that can be used to practice real-life reading opportunities from restaurant and food menus to utility bills and receipts. Composed of practical reading stimuli, this bundle can be used to target a variety of cognitive communication goals and essential reading skills necessary for our daily lives. The functional assessment and client intake forms can be used to gather individualized client information and determine daily reading demands.


  1. Reading Menus
  2. Reading Schedules and Lists 
  3. Reading Bills and Finances
  4. Reading Labels and Packaging
  5. Reading Advertisements and Coupons
  6. Reading Cards and Invitations
  7. Reading Tickets and Passes
  8. Reading Instructions
  9. Reading Guides and Directions
  10. Reading Newspaper Sections
  11. Reading Emails and Shopping Websites 

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